Importance of Love languages

With the holiday season upon us, one that is particularly unique due to the pandemic, understanding love languages can be extremely beneficial to ensuring that everyone feels fulfilled this season. These gatherings, whether virtual or in-person, can be challenging every year. Emotions often collide when we mix different personalities and opinions or the memories of past conflicts arise. Instead of adding fuel to the fire with misunderstandings and hurt feelings, take time to consider everyone’s love language to make for a peaceful holiday season.

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Anna MurphyComment
Are rich people greedy?

What do you think of when you hear the word rich? Are the first thoughts that come to mind negative or positive? Did you imagine yourself living in a lavish Malibu home or Upper East Side Penthouse? Or did you cringe at the word, picturing corrupt bankers and entitled trust fund babes? Did you even think of money at all, or were you focused on another kind of rich, rich in faith, love, or fulfillment?

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Women & Money

Women talk about self care in the form of rest, relaxation, and the occasional pampering, but what about self care in terms of finances?
Financial self care means setting yourself up with a solid foundation in which to grow your financial future. It also means practicing healthy dialogue surrounding money, open communication with your partner, and planning for the future.

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Women + FinanceAnna Murphy
To My Mother, On Her Birthday

My mother is many things, but the first two words that come to mind are strong and sweet. One of the strongest, if not the strongest person I know, my mother also has a sweetness that runs fluid through her and pours out into each person she meets. She reminds me of the importance of being firm and gracious at the same time.

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Mindset About Money

You may be surprised to hear that changing your outlook on money can positively influence your finances. For real. Your mindset about money impacts how you make key financial decisions. It even affects your capacity to achieve your goals. That’s right, a negative money mindset isn’t just stressing you out, it's keeping you down, mentally and financially.

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Anna MurphyComment
Being A Mompreneur

Being a mom is tough enough on its own, but then you add a business into the mix and you’ve got yourself a serious handful. I would be lying if I said I have everything figured out. Working on my business from home with a teenager and a six year old running around can make life pretty crazy pretty fast. I’ve learned to manage my emotions while parenting and conducting a business call simultaneously. Not an easy thing to do when there are children involved. Sigh. But if I can do it you can do it, too! It just takes a little time and discipline. Here are the top 10 tips that I give every mom out there who’s building a business.

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Anna Murphy
How Much Money Should I Save For Taxes?

Like that annoying song your uncle plays at every thanksgiving dinner, tax season is a cyclical thing, returning every year to toy with our anxiety. Tax season can be increasingly stressful if you’ve recently started a business, worked as a freelancer/contractor, or filed for unemployment. And despite googling how much money to save for taxes you’re still left with a sinking feeling that you’re going to be hit with a high price tag at the end of your filing statement. I’ve been there, girl, and I know the fear and anxiety you’re feeling right now.

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Anna Murphy
Female Service-Based Business - Investing In The Woman In Charge

I don’t have to tell you that powerhouse business women are the future. The number of women-owned businesses rises every year. The National Association of Women Business Owners cited that more than 11.6 million businesses are owned by women, that’s about 51% of US businesses altogether. These powerhouse companies employ nearly 9 million people and are consistently growing.

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Anna Murphy